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The Chancellor’s Cabinet serves as the senior leadership team that meets bi-weekly to address and provide advice to the Chancellor on key operational issues and matters of policy. Cabinet meetings may include discussion on the following: 1) university strategic direction, goals and metrics; 2) input to the Chancellor in the development of his vision to guide the campus; 3) matters that cross control units and have campus-wide impact; 4) strategic risk indicators; and 5) Chancellor’s briefings on legislative matters as well as Board of Governors and Board of Trustees initiatives. In addition, Cabinet members provide updates or presentations on the principal projects, goals, and key issues in the control units, including requests for advice on strategy.

Chancellor’s Cabinet

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“Pathway to the Future” is NC State’s road map for continued excellence through 2024.

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NC State underwent a decennial reaffirmation of accreditation in 2014.

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NC State is committed to responsible stewardship of budgetary funds.